Bread and sardines is one of the quickest meals we have in Naija and I want to believe that some other nationalities have it too. Eventhough serving a meal of bread and sardines may sound simple, here are a few important points to adhere to in order to have a wonderful meal experience with your bread and oily canned sardines. If you love bread like me, you’d agree it goes well with a lot of other kinds of food.
Yummy loaf of bread
Let’s jump right into these important steps to having the best meal of bread and canned sardines.
1. Check the tin to see expiry date and also confirm that the product has been stored in a conducive environment all while long. You don’t want to get what’s not supposed to go in there inside your stomach.2. Make sure you have a medium size or small loaf of bread by the side. Better to NOT use a classic loaf. This is because you want to feel the taste of the sardines absorbed in the bread than appreciate the uniqueness of the baker’s hand. Any soft and fresh bread will be fine, remember, not a classic.
3. You may decide to cut a portion of your bread and serve on a plate or you can decide to eat directly from the bread wrap. Anyhow you enjoy it.
4. Contrary to your freedom of choice in no 3., please always empty your sardines in a plate. A bowl preferably so that the oil from the sardines have a lesser room to spill. The sides of the bowl also helps you dish out your fishes properly.
5. Most importantly. Never try to eat your sardines with a fork and then break your bread and eat, that’s not how to best enjoy a meal of bread a sardines. Make sure you: i. Break your bread ii. Dip bread in the oil iii. Collect some oily fish iv. Eat bread coated in oil and fish
Oily canned sardines
6. Have some beverage hi! Tea is good. Use any cocoa beverage and milk. The quality of your tea should depend on how your stomach is likely to react after this meal. If you fear your digestion may be slow after eating a combo of bread and canned sardines, make a high quality tea (what my Naija pals call a “thick” one.) The sweetness from the tea would make your stomach less prone to constipation. Meanwhile if you fear diarrhoea, don’t make your tea thick.
A thick cocoa beverage + milk tea
6. Keep a serviette close. You may decide to leave any oil you have on your lips drip down your chin until you finish eating or alternatively wipe it with the back of your palms. Just keep a serviette as it may become useful.
In addition to no. 4, the edges of the tin are sharp so it is unwise to eat directly from it. You don’t want to get any cut.While following all these steps to have a perfect meal experience with bread and sardines, remember that your bread or tea/ sardines can be warm, hot or cold depending on how you like it most.
Follow the 6 rules above and let me know how your meal of bread and sardines turned out. Endeavour to wash your hands before you start and when you finish eating. I had a perfect meal of bread and sardines two nights ago and it was superb! You can have bread and sardines as breakfast, lunch or dinner, what time of the day do you prefer to have yours?